Furniture Refinishing
Stripping and Finishing:

Knock-apart and Regluing
Knocking a piece apart and re-gluing it will reestablish its structural integrity, making a cherished but perhaps precarious piece stable and once again enjoyed by your family.

Furniture Repairs
Repairs can encompass everything from the tiniest (yet irksome) nicks and scratches to recreating missing parts from an article that have been completely destroyed or lost. Some simpler repairs can be completed on-site.
French Polishing
French polishing is generally only necessary when dealing with a period article. Rejuvenating shellac is often the method of choice when stripping the article might reduce its value. As well, French polishing retains the natural, aged patina of both the wood and the finish. These articles requiring French polishing are generally from the 19th century or earlier; by the onset of the 20th century, varnishes and lacquers had been introduced.
Custom Finishes
Master Furniture has over the years created many custom finishes, from marblizing, artificially graining, and custom shading (a Master Furniture specialty), to automotive finishes applied to furniture and the more rustic appeal of a distressed finish.
A Note from Ian
When the restoration of a piece of antique furniture is contemplated, it is important that both the owner of the piece and the restorer come to agreement regarding exactly what is to be done. Now, it may be argued that any competent craftsman will know what to do, this may be true; however, even well-informed and experienced collectors will vary greatly in their instructions. For this reason, we at Master Furniture encourage our customers to be a part of the restoration of their heirlooms.

Interior and Exterior Woodwork Restoration
Master Furniture has restored the original lustre of the woodwork of many fine homes and heritage buildings in both the Oakville and Muskoka areas, including the balconies, pews, and all interior woodwork of the Appleby College Chapel, Streetsville United Church, and the Chisholm Estate (now a museum in Oakville). Although most of this type of restoration involves interior work, Master Furniture also restores exterior work, including the fabricating of missing or damaged exterior architecture to be blended in with the original.
Master Furniture can also install new woodwork with an antique feel. We have an excellent knack for creating woodwork with a feel of richness and history, even though it is brand new.